Quick Start

This library includes the implementation of the following models:

The library exposes a common interface for all models. Start by importing all the models:

from GOP import models

To create an instance of a model, e.g., POP:

model = models.POP()

Default parameters can be retrieved by calling get_default_paramters:

params = model.get_default_parameters()

For full description of parameters of each model, please refer to Algorithms. This library adopts a particular data feeding mechanism that uses python generator. This design allows low memory usage even with large datasets, flexible and efficient user-defined preprocessing steps.

Generally, to feed the data to a model, the model accepts a data_func (a python function) and data_arguments (any type that is can be pickled) with the assumption that a python generator and the number of mini-batches can be produced with syntax:

data_gen, steps = data_func(data_arguments)

For example, if data.pickle contains x_train and y_train and data.pickle resides in directory data_dir, we can simply have data_func and data_arguments as follows:

import numpy as np

def data_func(data_arguments):
"""Define data function that loads pickled data from filename
   and yield mini-batch of batch_size

    # 1st element from data_arguments is filename
    # 2nd element is batch size
    filename, batch_size = data_arguments

    # load pickled data from filename
    with open(filename, 'r') as fid:
        data = pickle.load(filename)

    x_train = data['x_train']
    y_train = data['y_train']

    # calculate number of mini-batches, suppose 1st dimension of x_train is #samples
    N = x_train_shape[0]
    steps = int(np.ceil( N / float(batch_size)))

    # give definition of generator

    def gen():
        while True:
            for step in range(steps):
                start_idx = step*batch_size
                stop_idx = min(N, (step+1)*batch_size)

                yield x_train[start_idx:stop_idx], y_train[start_idx:stop_idx]

    return gen(), steps # note that gen() but not gen

# Now define data_argument
data_arguments = ['data_dir/data.pickle', 128]

With data_func and data_argument, we can fit the model by simply calling fit

performance, progressive_history, finetune_history = model.fit(params, data_func, data_argument)

performance is a dictionary of best performances (loss and metrics), progressive_history contains all performances during progressive learning step and finetune_history contains all performances (at each epoch) during the fine-tuning step.

The trained model can be serialised and saved to disk with the given filename, e.g. ‘pop_model.pickle’ using save:


The pickled model can be loaded again later using load:

model = models.POP()

Using this trained model to evaluate test data e.g., test_func and test_arguments with new metrics, e.g. mean_absolute_error:

metrics = ['mean_absolute_error',]
performance = model.evaluate(test_func, test_arguments, metrics)
# performance is a dictionary of a single key 'mean_absolute_error'

Or using this trained model to predict (predict) with unseen data e.g., new_data_func, new_data_arugments. Note that the generator produced by new_data_func(new_data_arguments) should only yield x but not (x,y):

prediction = model.predict(new_data_func, new_data_arguments)

Or finetune this trained model using finetune on potentially new training data and select best model settings through validation data and also report performances on test data

history, performance = model.finetune(params, train_func, train_data, val_func, val_data, test_func, test_data)

While the above example is for POP, all other algorithms have the same interface, thus can be used in the same way. Different model, however, requires some specific parameters which should be consulted from Algorithms.

To configure computation environment (using CPU/GPU or using cluster), please refer Computation Environments

For more discussion on data feeding mechanism, please refer Data Feeding Mechanism

To deal with customization such as using custom loss, custom metrics or custom operators for nodal, pooling and activation, please refer Customization

Finally, it’s worth noting that in case the script got interfered before completing the progressive learning step, PyGOP allows resuming to what has been learned as long as the ‘tmp_dir’ and ‘model_name’ in params have not been modified